Hello beautiful! Welcome to the Pink Boss Lady Story page. I wanted to share with you why you should follow us on our Pink Boss Lady Page on Fb and how it got started… so here it goes;)
When I used to visit Jamaica on family vacations, the people there would address me as “Boss Lady!” 😂 I always thought that was so cool 😎 because ultimately, mommies are the boss of the house 🏡.
Later, I met Kathy Bullard, an ambassador for the Boerne Chamber of Commerce, and a Director for Mary Kay, she shared with me that she had earned 12 Pink Cadillacs, 52 carats of diamonds, and visited Europe 18 times on her company’s dime . I immediately said, “Wow! You ARE a Pink Boss Lady!“
she invited me to her house for a free makeover and I loved the professional set up and pink fun she shared with all of the ladies. I signed up to have my own virtual site after she shared a video with me showing how her company’s products had 28 Good Housekeeping Seals awarded to them after rigorous testing for efficacy and purity.
you can watch it here: http://marykay.gallery.video?videoId=6009891206001
Then she told me about how they sponsor domestic biolence shelters and I was in deep for sure.
Now, on the second Saturday of every month, a Pink Boss Lady like herself, who has won Pink Cadillacs, earned diamonds 💎 💎💎 and been on amazing trips on the company’s dime speak to inspire greatness in all women, not just us reps. We love our retail clients and lead our up-and-coming Pink Boss Lady entrepreneurs.
If you want more info, contact me! 🌸🌸🌸♥️♥️♥️💕💕💕💎💎💎✈️✈️✈️
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